Bibliography used on the Reddish Egret (Egretta rufescens) in the Birds in the Zoo.

Day Herons
 Black-headed Heron
 Black Heron
 Capped Heron
 Cattle Egret
 Chinese Egret
 Chinese Pond-Heron
 Cocoi Heron
 Dimorphic Heron
 Dusky-gray Heron
 Eastern Reef-Heron
 Goliath Heron
 Gray Heron
 Great Blue Heron
 Great White-bellied Heron
 Great White Egret
 Green Heron
 Indian Pond Heron
 Intermediate Egret
 Javanese Pond-Heron
 Lava Heron
 Little Blue Egret
 Little Egret
 Madagascar Heron
 Madagascar Squacco Heron
 Pied Heron
 Purple Heron
 Reddish Egret
 Red-throated Heron
 Rufous-bellied Heron
 Snowy Egret
 Squacco Heron
 Striated Heron
 Tricolored Heron
 Western Reef-Heron
 Whistling Heron
 White-faced Heron
 White-necked Heron

| español |

Reddish Egret
Egretta rufescens

On this page are the references which we have used in our studies of the Reddish Egret (Egretta rufescens). We also include other references for the benefit of those interested in further reading.

American Ornithologists' Union. 1998.
Check-list of North American birds: 7th edition
American Ornithologists' Union. Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas. 829 pgs.
(ISBN 1-891276-00-X)

Barbour, Thomas. 1923.
The birds of Cuba
Memoirs of the Nuttall Ornithological Club. No. VI. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Pg 29.

Clements, James F. 2000.
Birds of the World: A Checklist: Fifth Edition.
Ibis Publishing Company. Vista, California. 867 pgs.
(ISBN: 0-934797-16-1)

De Schauensee, Rodolphe Meyer and William H. Phelps, Jr. 1978.
A guide to the Birds of Venezuela
Princeton University Press. Princeton, New Jersey. 424 pgs.
(ISBN: 0-691-08205-7, LC: QL689.V4D47)

Ferguson, Lisa M., Patrick G. R. Jodice, William Post and Felicia I. Sanders. 2005.
Reddish Egret Extends its Breeding Range along the North American Atlantic Coast into South Carolina
Waterbirds. Vol 28. No 4. Pgs 525-526.

Green, M. Clay. 2005.
Plumage Dimorphism in the Reddish Egret: Does Plumage Coloration Influence Foraging Habitat Use and Tactics?
Waterbirds. Vol 28. No 4. Pgs 519-524.

Hancock, James, and James Kushlan. 1984.
The herons handbook
Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc. New York, New York. 288 pgs.
(ISBN 0-06-015331-8)

Hilty, Steven L. and William L. Brown. 1986.
A guide to the Birds of Colombia
Princeton University Press. Princeton. New Jersey. 836 pgs.
(ISBN: 0-691-08371-1 and 0-691-08372-X)

Howard, Richard and Alick Moore. 1991.
A complete checklist of the birds of the world. Second Edition.
Academic Press. San Diego, California. Pgs 13-15.
(ISBN 0-12-356910-9)

Howell, Steve N. G. and Sophie Webb. 1995.
A guide to the birds of Mexico and Northern Central America
Oxford University Press. Oxford, New York, Tokyo. 851 pgs.
(ISBN: 0 19 854013 2 and 0 19 854012 4)

Olrog, Claës Chr. 1968.
Las Aves Sudamericanas: Una guía de campo
Tomo Primero (Pingüinos-Pájaros Carpinteros)
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Fundación - Instituto "Miguel Lillo". Argentina. 505 pgs. (Spanish)

Peterson, Roger Tory and Edward L. Chalif. 1998.
Aves de México: Guía de Campo: Identificación de todas las especies encontradas en México, Guatemala, Belice y El Salvador
Editorial Diana. México, D.F., México. 3a Impresión. 473 pgs
(ISBN: 968-13-1282-1) (Spanish)

Stiles, Gary F. and Alexander F. Skutch. 1989.
A Guide to the Birds of Costa Rica
Comstock Publishing Associates. Ithaca, New York. 511 pgs.
(ISBN: 0-8014-2287-6 and 0-8014-9600-4)

Stockton de Dod, Annabelle. 1981.
Guía de Campo para las Aves de la República Dominicana
Editora Horizontes de América, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. Pg 31. (Spanish)

Stotz, Douglas F., John W. Fitzpatrick, Theodore A. Parker III and Debra K. Moskovits. 1996.
Neotropical Birds: Ecology and Conservation
The University of Chicago Press. Chicago and London. 478 pgs.
(ISBN: 0-226-77629-8 and 0-226-77630-1, LC: QL685.7.N46 1996)

More information on the Reddish Egret (Egretta rufescens):
| Taxonomy |

| Day Herons | Herons & Egrets | Ciconiiformes |

| Birds of Flight | Birds |
| Zoo | Damisela |

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Last revision: April 1, 2007
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