The Gray Heron (Ardea cinerea) in the Birds.

Day Herons
 Black-headed Heron
 Black Heron
 Capped Heron
 Cattle Egret
 Chinese Egret
 Chinese Pond-Heron
 Cocoi Heron
 Dimorphic Heron
 Dusky-gray Heron
 Eastern Reef-Heron
 Goliath Heron
 Gray Heron
 Great Blue Heron
 Great White-bellied Heron
 Great White Egret
 Green Heron
 Indian Pond Heron
 Intermediate Egret
 Javanese Pond-Heron
 Lava Heron
 Little Blue Egret
 Little Egret
 Madagascar Heron
 Madagascar Squacco Heron
 Pied Heron
 Purple Heron
 Reddish Egret
 Red-throated Heron
 Rufous-bellied Heron
 Snowy Egret
 Squacco Heron
 Striated Heron
 Tricolored Heron
 Western Reef-Heron
 Whistling Heron
 White-faced Heron
 White-necked Heron

| español |

Gray Heron
Ardea cinerea

Gray Heron (Ardea cinerea). Photo 2006.
Gray Heron (Ardea cinerea)
en London, England


The Gray Heron (Ardea cinerea) is natural to Europe, Asia and Africa. To the east of its distribution some reach the Philippines, but not to Australia. To the west some make it as far as Bermuda, Greenland and the Lesser Antilles.


Those that nest to the extreme north of the distribution migrate to winter in warmer regions. Some remain in Europe the entire year.


Documented from sea level to 900 meters.


Usually seen on the water edge of the water deposits; can be fresh water, brackish or saltwater.


Nesting is done in colonies and solitary. Shows preference for building the nest on trees, but sometimes it is done on rocks, among the aquatic emerging grass and on the ground. The clutch is three to four, could be as many as six, greenish blue eggs.


The diet consists of just about anything it can fish or get with the long bill, like: fish, small mammals, birds, reptiles, frogs, insects, vegetable material, and so on. Active 24 hours a day.


Both sexes have similar appearance. It reaches a length from 90 to 98 cm. The bill is about 11 cm long.


Once it becomes stable, beats the wings slowly. The neck is maintained curved, the head and beak extend forward beyond the body. Legs are extended backwards, extending beyond the tail.


The Gray Heron in Spanish is called “Garza Real”.

Information, maps and everything in the Web
related to the Gray Heron (Ardea cinerea), presented by:
| Google | MSN | Yahoo! | Gigablast |

More information on the Gray Heron (Ardea cinerea):
| Taxonomy | Bibliography |

| Day Herons | Herons & Egrets | Ciconiiformes |

| Birds of Flight | Birds |
| Zoo | Damisela |


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Last revision: April 1, 2007
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Copyright © 2000-2007 by Mariano Jimenez II and Mariano G. Jiménez and its licensors
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