Clements, James F. 2000. “Birds of the World: A Checklist: Fifth Edition.” Ibis Publishing Company. Vista, California. 867 pgs.
Epps, Susan Allene. 2007. “Parrots of South Florida” Pineapple Press, Inc. Pgs 18-19.
Forshaw, Joseph M. 1977. “Parrots of the World” T.F.H. Publicvations, Inc. 584 pgs.
Forshaw, Joseph M. 2010. “Parrots of the World” Princeton University Press, New Jersey. 328 pgs.
Howard, Richard y Alick Moore. 1991. “A complete checklist of the Birds of the World. Second Edition.” Academic Press. San Diego, California. 622 pgs.
Juniper, Tony y Mike Parr. 1998. “Parrots: A Guide to Parrots of the World” Yale University Press. New Haven y Londres. 584 pgs.